2012 · 31. Dezember 2012
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day… it’s a new LIFE!! So TESTIFY!! -Sean Patrick Flanery If you’re intent on saving yourself, then make a PUBLIC PROCLAMATION to do so!! -Sean Patrick Flanery I’m blown away daily at how many people have decided to re-claim their health… and lives. Every single day I receive numerous messages on Twitter from people that have truly made significant changes in their lives for the better. People that have already lost sixty to even one hundred pounds!!...
2012 · 23. Dezember 2012
Some guy named Elsinore, the transgender Eskimo, and the magic of Fourteen. -Sean Patrick Flanery If you keep the truth in your back pocket… you’ll spend your whole life standing. I went bobbing for apples at the Thanksgiving day state fair when I was around six years old. There was a teenage eskimo named Elsinore that ran the apple booth that I knew from down the street. I knew him because he worked the crosswalk on schooldays and would always help the younger kids get across the busy...
2012 · 13. Dezember 2012
DREAMERS, line up to the right!!!! ALL OTHERS… back on the couch. Shakespeare was WRONG!! “To be or not to be” was NEVER the question. The question is, was, and will always be… to dream or not to dream. First, let’s talk about “dreams”, and exempt all those non-dreams; the “wants”, the “desires”, the “it would be kinda neat to…” etc. Because a REAL dream is something that drives you every waking moment of your life, realigns your self discipline, and compels you to...
2012 · 28. November 2012
Dear Mothers, our future is in your hands. Godspeed. Good mothers are of ZENITH importance!!! Today’s Moral Decay You know, they say the devil is in the details. I agree. He creeps in incrementally every time we stop paying attention, and in such small amounts that it’s almost imperceptible. On a day to day basis, the change is hardly even noticeable. But, over the course of years the current era is almost unrecognizable as a brother of the past.
2012 · 19. November 2012
Okay, get your hate hats on, cause here I go AGAIN!!!! -Sean Patrick Flanery Let’s revisit, shall we???? B.D.M. is the most VICIOUS DISEASE KNOWN TO MAN!!! -Sean Patrick Flanery The hard & painful truth. Like it or not… here it comes!! Okay, good news and bad news. The bad news is that there are a large number of things that kill human beings. The good news is that the VAST majority of these deadly things are avoidable. That’s right, B.D.M. kills more people per day than every other...
2012 · 14. November 2012
The unfortunate metrics for humanity!!! -Sean Patrick Flanery Today we’re going to talk about some hard truths. What we’re NOT going to do… is hold hands and sing. -Sean Patrick Flanery Fact # 1: Every single human out there wants to increase their pleasure and reduce their pain, unless, of course, there is a design flaw. Fact # 2: I am in possession of a strategy that can ABSOLUTELY increase the pleasure and decrease the pain throughout the course of the lifetime of every single fat...
2012 · 05. November 2012
Welcome!! I’m glad you saw the breadcrumbs!!!! -Sean Patrick Flanery Breadcrumbs and the “self” -Sean Patrick Flanery Hello, my name is Sean Patrick Flanery, and I’ve been leaving a trail for the last few years, so I’m glad that you noticed. I think it’s important that people know who you are, what you stand for, where you’ve been and where you’re going. But, it’s even MORE important to know all these things about YOURSELF.